July 1, 2007

Prayer Requests For the Week of July 2nd

  1. Keep praying for revival in all of our hearts.
  2. Pray each week for all aspects of the Worship Service.
  3. Pray for Matt, Youth Sponsors, and the Youth Group.
  4. Pray for a deeper understanding and desire for the Word.
  5. Pray for each of the Leaders of this Body.


Anonymous said...

I pray that God will be with all of us this week. That our hearts will be split wide open to the love and peace that only the Lord Jesus Christ has to offer and that we all thank him for the Blessings that he has given us.

It is my hope that all of you find the Peace that only God can offer and that we are ALL set on fire for the Lord!!!

Anonymous said...

I pray that we as a church family can come together! We need to start getting real with each other. I also pray this week that we would take to heart the things that Doug talked about Sunday. We need to take a step of faith and truly believe!