July 4, 2007

Have You Ever Considered A Prayer List?

If you read our monthly newsletter all the way through you have noticed that in the past 2 issues we have had articles by Kate & Matt F. concerning the issue of prayer. In both articles they had several questions that they asked. One of those questions was concerning the issue of actually praying for someone who mentioned a prayer need to you. I liked the question because I can imagine any Christian reading it and feeling some sense of conviction. All of us have fallen short in this area, but there is a simple way to fix this problem. I would suggest using some type of notebook that you carry around. I like to use a small one because of its convenience. I have not always been good at having a prayer list, but I now realize that without one I cannot remember all of the things that I need or that I promised to prayer for.

Prayer is a sacred honor that God has given to His children. The modern Church for too long has treated prayer as something we do when things get rough instead of looking at it as a privilege. When Jesus died on the Cross it was not just so that we could have eternal life. The Cross was for a distinct and direct relationship with God through Christ Jesus. You would think that it was odd I hope if you came home after work and your spouse never talked to you unless they were in a crisis. Think of how God feels when His children repeatedly treat Him in the same way.

You may think that a prayer list is confining, but our lives are full of lists that help us make sure we accomplish things that must be done. At our house we have lists for the grocery store, chores around the house, and even our checkbook is a list of how our money is used. Lists help us to keep track of what is important in our lives. Prayer lists (beyond the Sunday morning bulletin) help all of us stay focused on prayers for our families, friends, and Church.

There is one great advantage to keeping a prayer list. By doing this in some type of journaling format you can begin to look back in time at some of your requests and see how God has moved in individual situations. When you understand God's movement in greater ways you will be compelled to cry out to Him with more passion and faith. I cannot imagine any Christian who does not want to have a closer relationship with Jesus and have their faith increased. A prayer list is a great place for that to happen.


Malsteem said...

I just wanted to let you know that i have same picture of the man prayign in my office

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